Most moms will agree that parenting is the hardest and best job in the world. Although being a parent will never be EASY, it can be more EASEFUL.

My name is Mariah Sage, and my mission on this earth is to help heal families and teach parents a more relaxed & easeful approach to parenting.

Society has fed us the idea that being a great mother means being exhausted, stressed & overwhelmed, and ALWAYS putting the kids first.

The truth is, most moms naturally put their kids first.

I’m here to tell you, there’s another way to parent! You can live the life you want to live AND be the parent you want to be.

I know this because I’ve helped so many families rearrange their family system, change their approach to parenting, and ENJOY the parenting process more along the way.


Through my work, I’ve learned that a great family system operates in a triangle – at the top is the well-being of each parent (in most families, the mother is the emotional center of the family). Next comes the partnership (when present), and THEN come the children.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prioritize your kids, it means when you, as the foundation of your family unit, are strong, supported, and grounded – you’ll be able to show up as the parent you want to be.


Once you’re grounded, relaxed, and cared for – THEN you can work on developing a family system that’s right for you. That’s why my approach starts with you as the mother, then moves onto the rest of your family. 

My love for children and family started at a very young age, and after getting my degree in psychology, I’ve spent years working with families and studying family dynamics. In my work, I draw from many philosophies and parenting styles, because I believe there’s no one size fits all parenting style. 

The methods, tools, and shifts I teach help you ground into what’s right for your family and drown out the noise of advice & criticism so you can become your own expert on what’s best for your family. 

The foundation of my approach is based only in your family operating as a team – where each member of your family is respected and empowered to contribute to the family dynamic as a whole. 

We work on unraveling power dynamics and helping your family operate as a team, embracing discipline systems that rely on a fair and loving approach, getting kids to take on responsibility, and learning to communicate consciously. 

If you’re the kind of parent who is doing amazing things in your life & career, and you ALSO want to be an incredible parent who raises strong, happy, confident kids – you need a family system.

This work is what we owe to our children. When you as a parent make the brave decision to parent consciously, you begin a process of healing the wounds from your own upbringing, and healing your family for generations to come. And… you make your day-to-day sweeter and more meaningful in the process.